Issue 80-2 : School of Medicine at Koya University Offers a Research Training Course

After receiving approval from the Koya University Presidency, the School of Medicine opened a one-week-long training course at school of medicine hall on how to conduct medical research. The purpose of the course was to train the faculty members on how to write scientific papers, enter data, and publish their research. The reason for opening such a training course was because the majority of the teaching staff of the School of Medicine have been working in academia for a relatively short time, and thus they have not published extensively. The course aims at enabling the teaching staff to acquire skills needed to conduct high quality research. It is worth mentioning that in the upcoming academic year sixth stage students of the School of Medicine will also be required to publish journal articles.

The course director is Dr. Darwan Jamal Hawzy the Dean of the School of Medicine and the course instcours are Mr. Kochr Ali Mahmood and Ms. Zaitoon Ahmed Hamad. The course lasts for 6 days from August 9 to August 16 2021. The course follows a blended learning method by holding some sessions online via Google Meet and offering other sessions on campus. The duration of each session is 4 hours and the number of the participants attending the sessions are 25. The participants are the teaching staff and faculty members of the School of Medicine and various other academic departments of Koya University and Koya Technical Institute. The participants are divided into two groups.