The Speech of the Koya University President in the Conference of the Kurdish Poet Dildar’s 100th birthday

News #07, Issue 38, Feb 2018| Núcey #07, Jhimarey 38, Mangí 2 Sallí 2018 | نوچەی 7، ژمارەى 38 مانگی 2 ساڵی 2018

The Speech of the Koya University President in the Conference of the Kurdish Poet Dildar’s 100th birthday

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear participants and honorable guests

On behalf of the Koya University Presidency I whole-heartedly welcome you all. Koya University is excited about taking its essential role by holding its third scientific conference on the Koyan figures. I have personally mentioned in a number of occasions and some other settings that Koya University has a great responsibility for conducting research and reviving the performance, products and the characteristics of the prominent figures, scientists, scholars, artists and politicians of the area that Koya University located.

Today, Dildar the Kurdish nationalist poet, the poet of the oppressed, the brave and free man has made us gather together in this conference.

Although, the idea of hosting this conference was derived from the recommendations of the Mas’ud Muhammad’s Conference last year, it was also suggested to us by (Peshraw Said Braim) the judge. By the support and cooperation of Koya University faculty and other universities members in Kurdistan as well as with the support of some professionals who admire Dildar, this conference is being held which is expected to present and submit (37) researches. As you know, the submitted researches follow certain necessary procedures and then they will be reviewed and evaluated by academic experts so as to be accepted as I hope so, in order to be published afterwards.

Dildar is a nickname and his full name was (Younis Ra’uf Mahmood Mala Sa’eed), he belonged to (Khadims Sujada) family. He was born in Bafri Qandi Quarter in Koya on February 20th, 1918. He started his early schooling in Ranya and Koya and completed his secondary and high school in Erbil and Kirkuk and finally, he graduated from College of Law in Baghdad.

Dildar states that his first poem was published in Runaki Magazine in 1935 while he was a secondary school student and only seventeen years old. If we notice his products and competence of this talented poet who lived only (30) years, it would be quite clear that if he had lived longer he would have written more masterpieces and other great literary works.

It is natural and normal that Dildar was impressed and influenced by some other poets in the Koya and Kurdistan. He read poem of those poets (Awni, Raji, Asi, Safi, Wafayi, Piramerd and Bekas). However, Nali and Haji Qadir had greater impact on him and it can be said that Haj Qadir had the most influence on him.

Dildar was the poet of the nationalists and the oppressed; he participated in the political parties like Darkar and Hiwa (Hope) parties and later with the Homeland Savers party. He was talented poet of his era, but unfortunately he died out of poisoning in November 1948, and was buried in Erbil without the presence of his relatives in his funeral, but later the corps was transferred to Koya and buried again in the Kakun cemetery.

Dear Participants,

Notice that Dildar the poet lived in the forties of the last century which means more (70) years ago, despite having a great familiarity and knowledge about Kurdish Language and grammar, he knew English, Arabic and Turkish. It is a noteworthy point for us, because knowing a language is not enough for a teacher, researcher, writer and a scholar. Therefore, I would like to remind you on this occasion and recommend you to do your best to learn other languages especially English.

Nowadays, despite determining the rate of literacy, illiteracy and certificate holders in some countries of the world, they demonstrate the rate of those people who know more than one language. English is now an international language and a lingua franca in some countries and its usage is increasing all over the world. Hence, Ministry of Higher Education in Kurdistan Region and Koya University as well has paid a great attention to this process and encourages teachers and students to teach and learn English Language and facilitates it for them.

The start of this conference coincides with the Mother tongues Day and thus it is recommended that the Kurdish Language need to be more familiarized and known to the world in better ways. We recommend the head of the Kurdish Department and his teachers to focus on our previous requests to have a curriculum for learning Kurdish by foreigners. For instance, if in the future foreign students come to Koya University such as form Europe, America and other surrounding countries or if they want to study at our university, it is essential to have a language center, Kurdish language curriculum, a program, and trained teachers to teach foreigners Kurdish. It is known to us pupils at basic and secondary levels study English and Arabic, but when they come to university or institutional level, their level of those two languages are quite low. Hence, it is not possible to wait and do nothing about this issue, because on one hand it consumes a lot of time on the other hand, it costs lots money to the government and the people as well. I wonder why an individual who goes to Iran can learn Farsi well within (3-6) months, or when a person goes to Russia, Germany, and the UK can learn their languages with (6) months- or one year, but we cannot make foreigners to learn Kurdish within the same amount of time. Therefore, I would like to ask you to do your best to learn other essential languages from now on and especially after this conference as well as design a facilitating Kurdish curriculum and program for those learners who are interested in learning Kurdish.

Finally, I would also like to express my gratitude to the researchers and the participants in general. In addition, I appreciate the hard work of all the committees of the conference as they have tried their best to hold and host this conference. Once again, I warmly welcome you all and thanks for my colleagues here. Moreover, we apologize for any inconvenience and your evaluation and encouragement will further reinforce us to continue and keep up the high rank of Koya University and even develop it more.

Best wishes to you all

Assist. Prof. Dr. Wali M. Hamad.

Koya University president

February 20th, 2018

وتەى سەرۆكى زانكۆى كۆيە لە كۆنفرانسى زانستى يادى (1٠٠) ساڵەى لە دايك بوونى دڵدارى شاعير

ئەى ڕەقيب هەر ماوە قەومى كورد زوبان

نايشكێنێ دانەيى تۆپى زەمان

ئامادەبوانى كۆنفرانس

ميوانانى خۆشەويست

بەناوى خۆم و سەرۆكايەتى زانكۆ وە پڕ بەدڵ بەخێرهاتنى هەموو لايەكتان دەكەم. زانكۆى كۆيە ئەمڕۆ خۆشحاڵە كە بە ئەركێكى زێدە پێويستى سەرشانى خۆى هەڵدەستێ. ئەويش بەستنى سێيەم كۆنفرانسى زانستى كەسايەتيەكانى كۆيەيە. بەندە لە زۆر بۆنە و مەراسيم و شوێنى تريش باسى ئەوەم كردوە كە زانكۆى كۆيە ئەركێكى قورسى لەسەر شانە، ئەويش هەڵسان بە ڵێكۆڵينەوە و ئاوڕ دانەوە و زيندوو كردنەوەى كار و كردار و ئەدگارى كەڵە پياو و زانا و شارەزا و هونەرمەند و سياسەتمەدارانى ئەم سنورەيە كە زانكۆى كۆيەى تيادامەزراوە.

ئەمڕۆ لەم كۆنفرانسە دڵدارى شاعيرى نەتەوەيى و شاعيرى چەوساوەكان، پياوى ماف پەروەر و ئازاو ئازاد ئێمەى هەموو كۆكردۆتەوە.

بيرۆكەى ئەم كۆنفرانسە لەلايەن كاك حاكم (پێشرەوى سەيد برايم) پێشنياز كرا بۆمان، پشت و پەنا بەخواو مامۆستايانى زانكۆى كۆيە و زانكۆكانى كوردستان و كەسانى ترى دڵدار دۆست و بەتوانا ئەم كۆنفرانسەى بەرهەم هێنا كەتيايدا (٣٧) توێژينەوە پێش كەش دەكرێ، وەك دەزانن دواتر بە ڕێڕەوى زانستى پێويست و ئەكاديمى توێژينەوەكان لەلايەن پسپۆڕانەوە هەڵسەنگاندنيان بۆ دەكرێت كە هيوادارين هەموو توێژينەوەكان لە ئاستى زانستى باش و پەسندبن و سەركەون لە هەڵسەنگاندن و دواتر بڵاو دەكرێنەوە. دڵدار ناوى تەواوى ( يونس رؤوف محمود مەلا سەعيدە ) لە بنەماڵەى (خادم السجادەيە) و لە (٢٠/٢/١٩١٨) لە گەڕەكى بەفرى قەندى لە دايك بووە.

خوێندنى سەرەتايى لە ڕانيە و كۆيە و ناوەندى و دواناوەندى لە هەولێر و كەركوك و كۆلێژى مافى لە بەغداد تەواو كردوە. دڵدار خۆى دەڵى يەكەم هۆنراوەم لە ساڵى (١٩٣٥) كە خوێندكارى ناوەندى بووە لە هەولێر بەناوى (ڕووناكى) لە ژمارەى (٢) ى گۆڤارى ڕووناكيدا بڵاو كردۆتەوە. واتە تەنها تەمەنى (١٧) ساڵ بووە، ئەگەر ووردبيينەوە لە بەرهەم و تواناكانى ئەو شاعيرە بەهرەمەندە كە تەنها (٣٠) ساڵ ژياوە دەردەكەوێت كە ئەو بليمەتە ئەگەر زياتر لەسەر شانۆى ژيان بمابوايەوە چى شاكار و كارى مەزنى ترى دەبوو. سروشتيە دڵدار لە ژينگەى كۆيە و كوردستان بە شاعيرانى تريش سەرسام بووە وە كاريگەريان هەبووە لەسەرى. شعيرى ئەم شاعيرانەى خوێندۆتەوە (عەونى ، ڕاجى ، عاسى ، سافى ، وەفايى ، پيرەمێرد و بێ كەس) بەڵام ناڵى و حاجى قادر زۆرتر كاريگەريان لەسەر داناوە وە من دەتوانم بڵێم حاجى لە هەمووان زياتر. دڵدار شاعيرى چەوساوە و زەحمەتكێشانى كوردستان بووە، كارى سياسيشى كردوە لەگەڵ داركەر و حيزبى هيواو دواتريش حيزبى رزگارى نيشتمانى. بە هەموو پێوەرێك بليمەتێكى سەردەمى خۆى بووە بەڵام موخابن لە مانگى تشرينى دووەمى ساڵى (١٩٤٨) بەكارەساتى (ژەهراوى بوون) گيان لە دەست دەدات و بەبێ نازى و بێ كەسى لەشارى هەولێر دەنێژرێت، دواتر گلكۆى دڵدار هێنراوەتەوە گۆرستانى كەكۆن لە كۆيە.

ئامادەبونى كۆنفرانس، مامۆستايان

سەيركەن دڵدارى شاعير لە چلەكانى سەدەى ڕابردو واتە زياتر لە (٧٠) ساڵ لەمەوبەر جگە لە شارەزايى تەواوى لە ڕێزمان و زمانى كوردى، زمانى ئينگليزى و عەرەبى و توركيشى زانيوە، ئەمە دەبێ بۆ ئێمە جێگاى هەڵوێستە بێ. چونكە بۆ مامۆستا و توێژەر و نوسەر و لێكۆڵەر هەر بەتەنها زانينى يەك زمان بەس نيە، بۆيە لەم بۆنەيەدا داواتان لێ دەكەم كە چەندى بۆتان دەكرێ هەوڵى فێربوونى زمانەكانى ترى گرنگ بدەن وە بە تايبەتى زمانى ئينگليزى.

ئێستا لە هەندێك وڵاتانى دونيا جگە لەدەرهێنانى ئامارى ڕێژەى خوێندەوار و نەخوێندەوار و ئاستى بڕوانامەكان ڕێژەى ئەو كەسانەش دەردەهێنن كە لەيەك زمان زياتر دەزانن. وە زمانى ئينگليزى بۆتە زمانێكى (International) ى وا كە ڕۆژ دواى ڕۆژ بەكارهێنەرانى لەسەر تاسەرى دونيا زياد دەبێت وە وەزارەتى خوێندنى باڵا و زانكۆى كۆيەش بە گرنگى لەو بابەتە دەڕوانن و هانى خوێندكاران و مامۆستايانمان دەدەين بۆ خۆفێركردن و فێربوونى زمانى ئينگليزى.

وە ئەو كۆنفرانسەمان هاوكاتە لەگەڵ رۆژى زمانى دايك كە بەڕاستى زمانى كوردى پێويستى بەوەيە كە بە دونيا و دەروبەر زياتر وباشتر بناسرێنرێت. وە سەرۆكايەتى بەشى زمانى كوردى ڕادەسپێرين و جەخت لەسەر داواى دوو ساڵ لەمەوبەر دەكەينەوە ئەگەر بەيانى چەند خوێندكارێكى بيانى (ئەوروپا ، ئاسيا ، ئەمريكا) هاتن يان بيانەوێت بێن لێرە لە بەشەكانى زانكۆمان بخوێنن خۆ دەبێ لە زانكۆ و سەنتەرى زمانى زانكۆ بەرنامە و پڕۆگرام و مامۆستاى وا هەبێت كە ئەم كارە ئەنجام بدەن. هەمووتان دەزانن كە خوێندكارى كوردستان (لە بنەڕەت و دواناوەندى) يە وە زمانەكانى ئينگليزى و عەرەبى دەخوێنن بەڵام كە دێن بۆ زانكۆ و پەيمانگاكان ئاستى هەردوو زمانيان زۆر زۆر خراپە.

بۆيە ناكرێت زانكۆكان هەروا تاسەر دەستەوەستان دابنيشن و هيچ نەكەين (چونكە لەلايەك كاتێكى زۆرى تيا بەفيڕۆ دەدرێت لەلايەكى تر پارە و خەرجى گشتى تيا بەفيڕۆ دەدرێت). من دەپرسم بۆچى كەسێك دەچێتە ئێران بە (٣-٦) مانگ بەتەواوى فێرى زمانى فارسى دەكرێت بۆچى لاى ئێمە نا.

كەسێك دەچێتە ڕووسيا - بەريتانيا - ئەڵمانيا لە ماوەى (٦) مانگ تا (١) ساڵ فێرى زمانەكانيان دەكرێت، بۆچى لاى ئێمە نا. بۆيە داواكارم لەمڕۆوە دواى ئەم كۆنفرانسە دەبێ كار لەسەر ئەوەبكەين جدى بين لەخۆ فێركردن بۆ زمانەكانى تر، وە بەپەلە و بە ئاسانترين شێواز بەرنامە و پڕۆگرام دابنێين بۆ فێركردنى خەڵكى تر بە زمانى كوردى (زمانى دايك).

لە كۆتايى وتەكەم دەست خۆشى لە توێژەران و بەشداربوانى كۆنفرانس دەكەم. سوپاسى زۆرم بۆ تەواوى لێژنەكانى كۆنفرانس كە هەوڵ و ماندوو بوونى زۆريان داوە بۆ سەرخستنى ئەم كۆنفرانسە، دووبارە بەخێرهاتنى هەموو لايەك دەكەم و سوپاسى هەموو هاوكاران دەكەم. تكايە لەكەم و كوڕيەكان بمان بەخشن و دەست خۆشى و هاندانتان پشت ئەستورترمان دەكات كە بەردەوام بين و ئاستى زانكۆى كۆيە بەرەو پێشتر بچێت.

ڕێزم بۆ هەموو لايەك

پ.ى.د. ولى محمود حمد

سەرۆكى زانكۆى كۆيە
